Source code for NiaPy.algorithms.algorithm

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import numpy as np
from numpy import random as rand

from NiaPy.algorithms.individual import (
from NiaPy.util.exception import (

__all__ = ['Algorithm']

[docs]class Algorithm: r"""Class for implementing algorithms. Date: 2018 Author Klemen Berkovič License: MIT Attributes: Name (List[str]): List of names for algorithm. Rand (rand.RandomState): Random generator. NP (int): Number of inidividuals in populatin. InitPopFunc (Callable[[Task, int, Optional[rand.RandomState], Dict[str, Any]], Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]]): Idividual initialization function. itype (Individual): Type of individuals used in population, default value is None for Numpy arrays. """ Name = ['Algorithm', 'AAA'] Rand = rand.RandomState(None) NP = 50 InitPopFunc = defaultNumPyInit itype = None
[docs] @staticmethod def typeParameters(): r"""Return functions for checking values of parameters. Return: Dict[str, Callable[[Any], bool]]: * NP: Check if number of individuals is :math:`\in [0, \infty]`. """ return {'NP': lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and x > 0}
[docs] def __init__(self, seed=None, **kwargs): r"""Initialize algorithm and create name for an algorithm. Args: seed (Optional[int]): Starting seed for random generator. kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.setParameters` """ self.Rand, self.exception = rand.RandomState(seed), None self.setParameters(**kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def algorithmInfo(): r"""Get algorithm information. Returns: str: Bit item. """ return '''Basic algorithm. No implementation!!!'''
[docs] def setParameters(self, NP=50, InitPopFunc=defaultNumPyInit, itype=None, **kwargs): r"""Set the parameters/arguments of the algorithm. Args: NP (Optional[int]): Number of individuals in population :math:`\in [1, \infty]`. InitPopFunc (Optional[Callable[[Task, int, Optional[rand.RandomState], Dict[str, Any]], Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]]]): Type of individuals used by algorithm. itype (Individual): Individual type used in population, default is Numpy array. kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.defaultNumPyInit` * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.defaultIndividualInit` """ self.NP, self.InitPopFunc, self.itype = NP, InitPopFunc, itype
[docs] def getParameters(self): r"""Get parameters of the algorithm. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: * Parameter name: Represents a parameter name * Value of parameter: Represents the value of the parameter """ return { 'NP': self.NP, 'InitPopFunc': self.InitPopFunc, 'itype': self.itype }
[docs] def rand(self, D=1): r"""Get random distribution of shape D in range from 0 to 1. Args: D (Optional[int]): Shape of returned random distribution. Returns: Union[float, numpy.ndarray]: Random number or numbers :math:`\in [0, 1]`. """ if isinstance(D, (np.ndarray, list)): return self.Rand.rand(*D) elif D > 1: return self.Rand.rand(D) else: return self.Rand.rand()
[docs] def uniform(self, Lower, Upper, D=None): r"""Get uniform random distribution of shape D in range from "Lower" to "Upper". Args: Lower (Union[float, numpy.ndarray]): Lower bound. Upper (Union[float, numpy.ndarray]): Upper bound. D (Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]]): Shape of returned uniform random distribution. Returns: Union[float, numpy.ndarray]: Array of numbers :math:`\in [\mathit{Lower}, \mathit{Upper}]`. """ return self.Rand.uniform(Lower, Upper, D) if D is not None else self.Rand.uniform(Lower, Upper)
[docs] def normal(self, loc, scale, D=None): r"""Get normal random distribution of shape D with mean "loc" and standard deviation "scale". Args: loc (float): Mean of the normal random distribution. scale (float): Standard deviation of the normal random distribution. D (Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]]): Shape of returned normal random distribution. Returns: Union[numpy.ndarray, float]: Array of numbers. """ return self.Rand.normal(loc, scale, D) if D is not None else self.Rand.normal(loc, scale)
[docs] def randn(self, D=None): r"""Get standard normal distribution of shape D. Args: D (Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]]): Shape of returned standard normal distribution. Returns: Union[numpy.ndarray, float]: Random generated numbers or one random generated number :math:`\in [0, 1]`. """ if D is None: return self.Rand.randn() elif isinstance(D, int): return self.Rand.randn(D) return self.Rand.randn(*D)
[docs] def randint(self, Nmax, D=1, Nmin=0, skip=None): r"""Get discrete uniform (integer) random distribution of D shape in range from "Nmin" to "Nmax". Args: Nmin (int): Lower integer bound. D (Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]]): shape of returned discrete uniform random distribution. Nmax (Optional[int]): One above upper integer bound. skip (Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]]): numbers to skip. Returns: Union[int, numpy.ndarray]: Random generated integer number. """ r = None if isinstance(D, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): r = self.Rand.randint(Nmin, Nmax, D) elif D > 1: r = self.Rand.randint(Nmin, Nmax, D) else: r = self.Rand.randint(Nmin, Nmax) return r if skip is None or r not in skip else self.randint(Nmax, D, Nmin, skip)
[docs] def getBest(self, X, X_f, xb=None, xb_f=np.inf): r"""Get the best individual for population. Args: X (numpy.ndarray): Current population. X_f (numpy.ndarray): Current populations fitness/function values of aligned individuals. xb (Optional[numpy.ndarray]): Best individual. xb_f (Optional[float]): Fitness value of best individual. Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float]: 1. Coordinates of best solution. 2. beset fitness/function value. """ ib = np.argmin(X_f) if isinstance(X_f, (float, int)) and xb_f >= X_f: xb, xb_f = X, X_f elif isinstance(X_f, (np.ndarray, list)) and xb_f >= X_f[ib]: xb, xb_f = X[ib], X_f[ib] return (xb.x.copy() if isinstance(xb, Individual) else xb.copy()), xb_f
[docs] def initPopulation(self, task): r"""Initialize starting population of optimization algorithm. Args: task (Task): Optimization task. Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, Dict[str, Any]]: 1. New population. 2. New population fitness values. 3. Additional arguments. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.setParameters` """ pop, fpop = self.InitPopFunc(task=task, NP=self.NP, rnd=self.Rand, itype=self.itype) return pop, fpop, {}
[docs] def runIteration(self, task, pop, fpop, xb, fxb, **dparams): r"""Core functionality of algorithm. This function is called on every algorithm iteration. Args: task (Task): Optimization task. pop (numpy.ndarray): Current population coordinates. fpop (numpy.ndarray): Current population fitness value. xb (numpy.ndarray): Current generation best individuals coordinates. xb_f (float): current generation best individuals fitness value. dparams (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments for algorithms. Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float, Dict[str, Any]]: 1. New populations coordinates. 2. New populations fitness values. 3. New global best position/solution 4. New global best fitness/objective value 5. Additional arguments of the algorithm. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.runYield` """ return pop, fpop, xb, fxb, dparams
[docs] def runYield(self, task): r"""Run the algorithm for a single iteration and return the best solution. Args: task (Task): Task with bounds and objective function for optimization. Returns: Generator[Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, float, Dict[str, Any]], Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray], None]: Generator getting new/old optimal global values. Yield: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]: 1. New population best individuals coordinates. 2. Fitness value of the best solution. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.initPopulation` * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.runIteration` """ pop, fpop, dparams = self.initPopulation(task) xb, fxb = self.getBest(pop, fpop) yield xb, fxb while True: pop, fpop, xb, fxb, dparams = self.runIteration(task, pop, fpop, xb, fxb, **dparams) yield xb, fxb
[docs] def runTask(self, task): r"""Start the optimization. Args: task (Task): Task with bounds and objective function for optimization. Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float]: 1. Best individuals components found in optimization process. 2. Best fitness value found in optimization process. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.runYield` """ algo, xb, fxb = self.runYield(task), None, np.inf while not task.stopCond(): xb, fxb = next(algo) task.nextIter() return xb, fxb
[docs] def run(self, task): r"""Start the optimization. Args: task (Task): Optimization task. Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float]: 1. Best individuals components found in optimization process. 2. Best fitness value found in optimization process. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.runTask` """ try: # task.start() r = self.runTask(task) return r[0], r[1] * task.optType.value except (FesException, GenException, TimeException, RefException): return task.x, task.x_f * task.optType.value except Exception as e: self.exception = e return None, None
[docs] def __call__(self, task): r"""Start the optimization. Args: task (Task): Optimization task. Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float]: 1. Best individuals components found in optimization process. 2. Best fitness value found in optimization process. See Also: * :func:`` """ return
[docs] def bad_run(self): r"""Check if some exeptions where thrown when the algorithm was running. Returns: bool: True if some error where detected at runtime of the algorithm, otherwise False """ return self.exception is not None