Source code for NiaPy.util.utility

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"""Implementation of various utility functions."""

import inspect

import numpy as np
from numpy import random as rand

__all__ = [

[docs]def limit_repair(x, Lower, Upper, **kwargs): r"""Repair solution and put the solution in the random position inside of the bounds of problem. Arguments: x (numpy.ndarray): Solution to check and repair if needed. Lower (numpy.ndarray): Lower bounds of search space. Upper (numpy.ndarray): Upper bounds of search space. kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Solution in search space. """ ir = np.where(x < Lower) x[ir] = Lower[ir] ir = np.where(x > Upper) x[ir] = Upper[ir] return x
[docs]def limitInversRepair(x, Lower, Upper, **kwargs): r"""Repair solution and put the solution in the random position inside of the bounds of problem. Arguments: x (numpy.ndarray): Solution to check and repair if needed. Lower (numpy.ndarray): Lower bounds of search space. Upper (numpy.ndarray): Upper bounds of search space. kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Solution in search space. """ ir = np.where(x < Lower) x[ir] = Upper[ir] ir = np.where(x > Upper) x[ir] = Lower[ir] return x
[docs]def wangRepair(x, Lower, Upper, **kwargs): r"""Repair solution and put the solution in the random position inside of the bounds of problem. Arguments: x (numpy.ndarray): Solution to check and repair if needed. Lower (numpy.ndarray): Lower bounds of search space. Upper (numpy.ndarray): Upper bounds of search space. kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Solution in search space. """ ir = np.where(x < Lower) x[ir] = np.amin([Upper[ir], 2 * Lower[ir] - x[ir]], axis=0) ir = np.where(x > Upper) x[ir] = np.amax([Lower[ir], 2 * Upper[ir] - x[ir]], axis=0) return x
[docs]def randRepair(x, Lower, Upper, rnd=rand, **kwargs): r"""Repair solution and put the solution in the random position inside of the bounds of problem. Arguments: x (numpy.ndarray): Solution to check and repair if needed. Lower (numpy.ndarray): Lower bounds of search space. Upper (numpy.ndarray): Upper bounds of search space. rnd (mtrand.RandomState): Random generator. kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Fixed solution. """ ir = np.where(x < Lower) x[ir] = rnd.uniform(Lower[ir], Upper[ir]) ir = np.where(x > Upper) x[ir] = rnd.uniform(Lower[ir], Upper[ir]) return x
[docs]def reflectRepair(x, Lower, Upper, **kwargs): r"""Repair solution and put the solution in search space with reflection of how much the solution violates a bound. Args: x (numpy.ndarray): Solution to be fixed. Lower (numpy.ndarray): Lower bounds of search space. Upper (numpy.ndarray): Upper bounds of search space. kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Fix solution. """ ir = np.where(x > Upper) x[ir] = Lower[ir] + x[ir] % (Upper[ir] - Lower[ir]) ir = np.where(x < Lower) x[ir] = Lower[ir] + x[ir] % (Upper[ir] - Lower[ir]) return x
[docs]def fullArray(a, D): r"""Fill or create array of length D, from value or value form a. Arguments: a (Union[int, float, Any, numpy.ndarray, Iterable[Union[int, float, Any]]]): Input values for fill. D (int): Length of new array. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array filled with passed values or value. """ A = [] if isinstance(a, (int, float)): A = np.full(D, a) elif isinstance(a, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)): if len(a) == D: A = a if isinstance(a, np.ndarray) else np.asarray(a) elif len(a) > D: A = a[:D] if isinstance(a, np.ndarray) else np.asarray(a[:D]) else: for i in range(int(np.ceil(float(D) / len(a)))): A.extend(a[:D if (D - i * len(a)) >= len(a) else D - i * len(a)]) A = np.asarray(A) return A
[docs]def objects2array(objs): r"""Convert `Iterable` array or list to `NumPy` array. Args: objs (Iterable[Any]): Array or list to convert. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array of objects. """ a = np.empty(len(objs), dtype=object) for i, e in enumerate(objs): a[i] = e return a
[docs]def explore_package_for_classes(module, stype=object, subdir=False): r"""Explore the python package for classes. Args: module (Any): Module to inspect for classes. stype (Union[class, type]): Super type of search. subdir (bool): Go thrue Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Mapping for classes in package. """ tmp = {} for key, data in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass): if isinstance(data, stype) or issubclass(data, stype): tmp[key] = data return tmp